Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Learning Curve

Over the past few months, I have learned a lot about MSG.  I learned that MSG can be labeled in many different ways.  Initially, I thought that it would be as easy as checking ingredient lists for "monosodium glutamate."  I quickly learned that is not correct at all!  I learned that the FDA doesn't require MSG be labeled because the FDA only requires "the common name" of an ingredient be listed, so if MSG is present in another ingredient (such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein and many more), then monosodium glutamate will not be listed as an ingredient.  For more information about this check out the Truth In Labeling Campaign.  Learning that was step 1 to understanding the challenge I now face in trying to avoid MSG.  I found a list of ingredients that contain MSG through the Truth in Labeling Campaign (click here for the list).  After learning that I was going to have to start being on the lookout for not just 1 ingredient, but about 50, I started a new approach.  I found the Food Facts website. There, I can search for a specific type of food or a brand of food or a category of food and then I can narrow the search based on the allergen I am trying to avoid (obviously MSG, but they also have gluten, dairy, wheat, etc).  This website has been VERY helpful!  The problem is whether I can find the brand I need to buy at my local grocery store.  Another problem is that many of the products that are MSG-free are organic and cost much more than the processed crap (something my pocketbook is not very happy about).  I have learned that the best thing is to eat completely unprocessed foods.  In order to do this, I have been looking a lot at various blogs and websites about making foods from scratch and eating "real" food - there are many people who make foods from scratch to save money and many others who are on a mission to cut out processed foods for various reasons.  I will use all of these sites in my journey to becoming completely MSG free.

Because I know that I will never be able to go without eating out from time to time, I will also post about restaurants that have caused problems for me and those that don't.  For instance, I learned that Chipotle is NOT MSG-free, but they recently added a list to their website that identifies each food with GMOs (genetically modified organisms).  I am excited to try Chipotle again avoiding the foods containing GMOs to see if I can once again enjoy the deliciousness that is Chipotle without breaking out in a rash.  I also recently ate at Abuelo's and had a very adverse reaction even after choosing foods that generally are not problematic (they must use seasoning that has MSG in it).  I won't be making a return trip to Abuelo's anytime soon!  I was shocked to learn how little MSG is present in foods at PF Chang's.  I have not yet eaten there, but I did some research via Google and and learned that the majority of their food is MSG-free.  I can't wait to go try it out (I have definitely been missing Chinese food).  I was able to eat at On the Border without a problem (just have to be careful at any Mexican restaurant to avoid flour tortillas).  I have also been eating regularly at Jason's Deli.  I loved Jason's Deli before, but then I learned about their commitment to battle childhood obesity by cutting out all the crap, including MSG (check out their blog). Their blog says that there is no MSG in any of their food.  We have eaten at Jason's Deli more than any other restaurant since I learned I am allergic to MSG and it has been great!

When we go on vacation, I am sure we will have to eat out a lot, so I will have a chance to report back.  If I have concerns about a restaurant, I will generally just get a salad and ask for oil and vinegar for dressing (usually any vinaigrette is safe, but no guarantees).

Happy Eating!

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